Comprehensive Guide: What Do Family Lawyers Do in Maryland?

What do family lawyers do in Maryland? Delve into their roles and discover how they can help with family legal affairs. Explore more on our blog!

Navigating the complexities of family law can be overwhelming, whether you’re facing a divorce, custody battle, or any other domestic issue.

In Maryland, family lawyers serve as invaluable allies, guiding individuals and families through emotionally charged and legally intricate situations.

But what do they actually do? We’ve got the 411. Read on to find out, what do family lawyers do in Maryland?

Divorce and Separation

When a marriage ends, family lawyers provide essential legal representation to ensure that their clients’ interests are safeguarded throughout the divorce proceedings. This begins with filing for divorce or responding to a spouse’s divorce petition.

A divorce attorney can prepare and submit all necessary legal documents, represent their clients in court hearings, and advocate for their rights.

Their comprehensive understanding of Maryland’s divorce laws and procedures ensures that clients are well-represented and informed about their legal options and potential outcomes.

Child Custody

A child custody lawyer assists parents in establishing custody arrangements that work best for their families. In Maryland, custody can be categorized into physical custody, which is where the child lives, and legal custody, which involves decision-making authority regarding the child’s upbringing, education, and healthcare.

Lawyers work with parents to create comprehensive parenting plans that outline these terms. They aim to minimize conflict and provide stability for the child.

Deciding between joint and sole custody can be challenging and emotionally charged. Family lawyers provide crucial advice on the benefits and implications of each option.

Joint custody allows both parents to share significant time and responsibilities in raising their child. That creates a collaborative parenting environment.

Sole custody gives one of the parents primary custody. It’s often chosen in situations where it’s in the best interest of the child due to factors like parental fitness or geographic considerations.

Lawyers advocate for their clients’ preferred custody arrangement. They present evidence and arguments that support their position in court if necessary.

Child Support

Family lawyers in Maryland are essential in helping parents navigate the complexities of establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support agreements and orders.

The process of establishing child support begins with determining the appropriate amount based on Maryland’s child support guidelines. These guidelines account for current income, the number of children, and the amount of time spent with the children.

Family lawyers assist clients in accurately calculating child support obligations by gathering and presenting necessary financial information. They also help in drafting and filing child support agreements with the court, making sure they are legally sound and enforceable.

When one parent doesn’t fulfill their child support obligations, lawyers can take legal action to compel compliance. This may involve filing motions for contempt of court, garnishing wages, or working with state agencies to intercept tax refunds.

Family lawyers provide strong representation in enforcement proceedings, advocating for their clients to ensure that children receive the financial support they need.

Children with special needs may require additional financial support for medical care, education, or other expenses. Family lawyers advocate for these needs to be taken into account in child support calculations.

They work with experts to determine the appropriate level of support. Then, they present compelling arguments to the court to secure the necessary funds. This ensures that children with special needs receive the financial resources required for their well-being.

Temporary Orders

During the divorce or separation process, temporary child support orders may be necessary. Temporary support ensures that the child’s needs are met while the final arrangements are being determined.

Family lawyers assist in securing temporary support orders, representing their clients in hearings, and ensuring that interim financial arrangements are in place. This provides stability for the child and helps alleviate financial stress for the custodial parent.


When parents separate or divorce, one of the critical issues to address is how visitation will be structured. Family lawyers help parents develop comprehensive visitation schedules. These schedules outline when and how each parent will spend time with their child.

These schedules consider things like child’s school timetable, extracurricular activities, holidays, and the parents’ work schedules. Lawyers work to create arrangements that are in the best interests of the child. That provides stability and consistency.

Life circumstances can change, requiring modifications to existing visitation arrangements. Family lawyers assist parents in petitioning the court for modifications.

These changes might be because of relocation, alterations in work schedules, or changes in the child’s needs or preferences.

They gather evidence, prepare legal documents, and represent their clients in court hearings. This ensures that any modifications are fair and in the child’s best interests.

Lawyers strive to adapt visitation schedules to reflect the evolving needs of the family while maintaining stability for the child.

Spousal Support

Family law services can also help you with spousal support. The first step in addressing spousal support is determining if alimony is appropriate in your case and, if so, the amount and duration of payments. Family lawyers assist their clients by evaluating various factors that Maryland courts consider when awarding alimony.

These things might include how long the marriage lasted, the standard of living, the financial needs and resources of every involved party, and the contributions of each spouse to the marriage. That can include homemaking and childcare.

Property Division

Maryland follows the principle of equitable distribution. This means that any involved marital property is divided fairly – but that doesn’t mean exactly equally. Family lawyers help clients understand what constitutes marital property versus separate property.

Marital property includes anything acquired over the course of the marriage, no matter whose name they are in. Separate property is usually assets acquired before the marriage or received as gifts or inheritances by one spouse.

Family lawyers assist clients in creating a comprehensive inventory of assets. That can include real estate, bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, personal property, and business interests.

They work with financial experts, such as appraisers and accountants, to accurately value these assets. That way, they make sure everything is considered in the division process.

This thorough approach helps prevent the concealment or undervaluation of assets. That could disadvantage one party.

In many cases, property division can be settled through negotiation rather than litigation. Family lawyers facilitate these negotiations. They aim to reach a mutually agreeable settlement that reflects the best interests of their clients.

By negotiating settlements out of court, lawyers help clients avoid the time, expense, and stress of a trial.

Complex Assets

Divorces involving complex assets require specialized knowledge and expertise. Examples include businesses, professional practices, or extensive investment portfolios.

Family lawyers work with financial professionals to evaluate these assets accurately and determine their impact on the overall property division.

They may also address issues such as the valuation of business goodwill, the division of stock options, and the treatment of intellectual property. This expertise ensures that clients receive their fair share of complex marital assets.


Adoption is a major life event that brings joy and fulfillment to families.

The adoption process in Maryland begins with meeting certain legal requirements, including eligibility criteria for adoptive parents. Family lawyers provide essential guidance on these requirements. This ensures that prospective parents meet all necessary qualifications.

They assist in the preparation and filing of adoption petitions. They also help gather all the required documentation. These can include background checks, home studies, and consent forms.

Maryland offers various types of adoption, including domestic adoption, international adoption, stepparent adoption, and foster care adoption. Family lawyers help clients understand the specific requirements and procedures for each type.

For domestic and international adoptions, lawyers guide parents through agency interactions, legal documentation, and compliance with both state and international laws.

In stepparent adoptions, they assist in obtaining consent from the biological parent. They can help with terminating parental rights if necessary. For foster care adoptions, lawyers work closely with state agencies to facilitate the adoption process.

One of the critical aspects of the adoption process is obtaining consent from the biological parents or legally terminating their parental rights. Family lawyers handle this delicate aspect with sensitivity and legal precision. They ensure that all consents are given voluntarily and with a full understanding of the implications.

If consent is not given, lawyers represent their clients in court proceedings to terminate parental rights. That could be based on abandonment, neglect, or unfitness. This legal expertise is vital to ensure that the adoption process proceeds smoothly. It helps you prevent any future legal challenges.

Finalizing Adoption

The finalization of an adoption is a celebratory moment, but it also involves crucial legal steps. Family lawyers represent adoptive parents in finalization hearings. That’s where the court reviews the case and grants the adoption decree.

They ensure that the laws are properly followed and that the court has all the necessary information to make a favorable decision.

Once the adoption is finalized, lawyers assist in obtaining new birth certificates and any other legal documentation needed to reflect the new parent-child relationship.

What Do Family Lawyers Do? Now You Know

What do family lawyers do? It’s a complicated question. Now that you’re aware of some of the ways, you’ll know if you need to bring one in.

Do you need family legal advice? Are you ready to hire a lawyer? Look no further than Blattner Family Law Group. Our wonderful reviews show off our excellent track record of success for our clients.

Contact us today.