What do you know about hiring a divorce lawyer in Towson, MD? Here’s a detailed guide on how these professionals can help you.

According to the CDC, nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce. On your wedding day, you likely intend to stay with your spouse for the rest of your life; after all, you did vow to stay “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”

However, life is far more complicated; sometimes, things just don’t work out. If you and your partner decide to divorce, you’ll want to hire a divorce lawyer. Even if the divorce is uncontested by both parties, it’s best to have a divorce attorney look over the terms to ensure it protects your rights and interests.

So let’s explore five ways a Towson divorce lawyer can help you and your family during a separation.

1. Answer All Your Questions

Getting a divorce may seem like a straightforward process. Unfortunately, it’s anything but.

This is because there are several types of divorce. First, you’ll need to determine what kind of divorce applies to your situation and the grounds for divorce.

For example, do you want an absolute or limited divorce? An absolute divorce is when you settle every issue; after it’s finalized, each party can remarry. A limited divorce doesn’t legally end the marriage. Instead, you can resolve essential matters like child custody and finances. Later, you may be eligible for an absolute divorce.

Is the divorce a fault or no-fault divorce? In a fault divorce, one spouse alleges misconduct against the other. In a no-fault divorce, neither spouse alleges misconduct. However, the couple must have lived apart without having sexual intercourse for a minimum of one year or submit a settlement agreement before filing a no-fault divorce.

Is the divorce contested or uncontested? Contested means the parties can’t agree to the terms of the divorce, and it will go to trial. A judge will determine the following:

  • Alimony
  • Division of property and other assets
  • Parenting plan and child support

As you can see, the divorce process can be complex. However, an experienced divorce lawyer can answer all your questions about the process.

2. Provide Guidance on Property and Asset Distribution

During the divorce, you’ll need to identify all assets and liabilities in the marriage, so the estate of the union can be distributed appropriately. This can be complicated if only one person handled the finances during the marriage. The other spouse may be unaware of the following:

  • Assets
  • Debts
  • Loans
  • Mortgages

Divorce lawyers are highly skilled at identifying and distributing assets regardless of which party you are. First, they will collect all records and make an inventory. Then, they will ensure you receive your fair and equitable share in the divorce settlement.

If one spouse entered the marriage with property or other assets, the second spouse might not have a legal right to those assets. This is especially true if a pre or post-nuptial agreement is in place.

Dividing assets isn’t a black-and-white process in a divorce, but a lawyer will help you receive your fair share based on state law.

In the case of debt, your attorney can help create a repayment plan or shield you from financial burdens that legally aren’t yours.

3. Give Expert Advice and Support

Divorce is often a painful and emotional experience, particularly in at-fault and contested divorces. However, you shouldn’t have to deal with the negative aspects of the process yourself since you’re already in a high-stress situation.

This is the job of your lawyer.

Divorce attorneys know how to present your options and help you make rational decisions calmly. It can be easy to act irrationally or not think about your future during the divorce. But your attorney will guide you through the most critical issues, such as custody and support.

They will lessen the emotional burden by handling all the unpleasant aspects of the process so that you can focus on the practical aspects. Your lawyer may also mediate between you and your partner if you don’t want personal contact with them or need someone to help during negotiations.

4. Advise Regarding the Children

Although divorce is difficult for couples, it’s often more difficult for children. Divorce attorneys are equipped with the skills to help you understand the process from a child’s perspective. They will also help you consider your child’s needs when establishing custody or child support arrangements.

If your child is old enough to have an opinion on their living situation, your lawyer will help both parties consider the child’s view during discussions. They can also help the child maintain a relationship with both parents post-divorce if both parties agree.

Should domestic violence be an issue, the court will consider it when discussing custody and visitation. Your lawyer can help you file a restraining order for yourself and your children if necessary. Your lawyer can also help you file criminal charges if child abuse contributed to the divorce.

Conversely, if you need to provide evidence that no abuse or neglect occurred, your attorney can handle this, too.

5. Oversee Paperwork and Court Proceedings

If there’s one thing you shouldn’t worry about in a divorce, it’s all the paperwork. If you try to go through everything yourself, you’ll likely miss something because you don’t have the legal knowledge.

A divorce lawyer will always oversee the documentation and paperwork related to your case. They can also act as your advocate during any court proceeding. They know how to represent you best and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive a favorable outcome.

Hire a Divorce Lawyer Today

Undoubtedly hiring a divorce lawyer is the best thing to do when preparing for a divorce. Your lawyer will help guide you through the process, provide expert advice, and handle everything related to the court.

To speak with an expert attorney, contact us at the Blattner Family Law Group. Our divorce lawyers in Towson offer a free consultation to understand your circumstances better and explore your best options for moving forward.